5 Reasons to Skip the Hardware Store and Shop Clare
We make paint shopping easier than ever.

Decorating your home should be exciting, inspiring and fun. But the one of the first steps in that process - paint shopping - usually involves a visit to the hardware which, let’s face it - is a huge hassle. Between trips back and forth to pick paint colors, bad lighting, bad customer service, waiting in line to get your paint mixed, then trying figure out what tools to buy, it’s enough to give anyone a headache! At Clare, we’ve flipped that terrible experience entirely. We make paint shopping easy with premium, Zero VOC paint, beautifully curated colors and quality painting supplies —delivered to your door. It’s time to say goodbye to the hardware store and paint a home you love with Clare. Here’s why:
1. We make paint shopping simple
From curating the most beautiful paint colors, the highest-quality supplies, and developing technology to help you through the color selection process, to creating a better way to sample colors at home, we’ve completely simplified the paint shopping experience.
2. We offer endless inspiration
Sure, you can go to your local home improvement store to buy paint, but a couple aisles over you can also buy a toilet. Not exactly the best environment to start the process of decorating your home. At Clare, we’ve created a truly inspiring shopping experience, with stunning photography that helps bring our paint colors to life, beautiful editorials filled with plenty of inspiration for stylish living, and more.
“Team Clare is the best experience I've had vis a vis customer service in ages. Please, can you clone yourselves? I believe everyone might be a little kinder to each other.” - Louise M, Connecticut
3. Our customer support is actually helpful
At the home improvement store, it feels like help is non-existent. And even when you find someone to help you, it's doubtful you’ll trust that person you to offer useful style or design advice. Whether you need help choosing the perfect color, have questions about our products, or anything in between, our awesome customer experience team - the Clare Crew - is here for you.
4. We deliver everything to your door
We know you’d rather spend your time doing things more meaningful than going back and forth to the hardware store so we’ve created a better experience that lets you shop from the comfort of your couch. We offer easy online ordering, seamless checkout, speedy shipping, and everything you need, delivered to your door.
5. Your purchase is backed by our Happiness Guarantee, so you can shop with confidence
Your purchase is backed by our Happiness Guarantee. We work hard to make sure your experience with Clare is perfect in every way, but if you’re unhappy with your purchase, we’ll do everything we can to make it right! We also offer a Lifetime Limited Warranty that covers defects in the paint finish such as cracking, chipping or peeling on surfaces that were properly prepared before painting.
Ready to paint a home you love? Explore our designer-curated paint colors today! SHOP NOW